The KaDeWe is well known near and far. Nevertheless, I would like give a brief explanation to all who do not know what it is. All others can skip this paragraph. The “department store of the West”, as it is called, was already opened in 1907 in the Tauentzienstraße at the corner of Wittenbergplatz in Berlin-Schöneberg. It is certainly the most famous department store in Germany and with about 60,000 square meters of retail space, the largest department store in continental Europe. The meaning of it is underlined by a separate Wikipedia entry.

Before we come to eating, a few more words to the department store. I always find it fascinating how the shop windows of the KaDeWe are designed. A few examples can be found at the top. And the entrance hall is also often the scene of amazing stagings. The Christmas decoration has unfortunately been reduced a bit in the last few years. Before Christmas there was always a huge, lush Christmas tree in the entrance hall.
Eating at KaDeWe
For all foodies, the so-called gourmet floor on the 6th floor is probably the most interesting place. It is a combination of delicatessen and various small restaurants. This means that on the one hand you can stock up on all sorts of specialties from all over the world, or you can leave your own kitchen cold and enjoy the food cooked and prepared on-site.
The variety of food is huge. You get the finest delicacies as well as ordinary foods that you can find in supermarkets. I have listed a few areas that are not so commonplace or have an exceptional offer. For a complete overview, you have to take a look yourself.
- Fruits and vegetables from all over the world
- Baked goods (bread and pastries)
- Meat, ham and sausages
- Fresh fish, seafood and caviar
- Tea and coffee
- Wines and sparkling wines from around the world
- Giant selection of spirits
- Oils, vinegars and sauces
- Great selection of cheeses
- Chocolates and other sweets
- Patisserie of Le Nôtre
Meals on-site
That’s probably the main reason why I go to KaDeWe. Here you can spoil yourself with food from all over the world. Drink a good glass of wine or a beer and just enjoy.There are restaurants that have long existed. These include, for example, the bouillabaisse bar, the fishing boat (Fischkutter) or the Berlin room (Berliner Zimmer) and of course the oyster bar. But the KaDeWe keeps up with the times. That’s how a burger bar opened a year or two ago.
The Brlo, which brews a multitude of beers in its container house at Gleisdreieck, is now represented with a chicken & beer restaurant.
Since autumn 2018, you can get a Buddha bowl at the counter with the salads. A small one for € 7 and big one for € 9. My tip: Let them make your little bowl really full, because you can choose what you want to have inside and also how much.
One of the newest restaurants since December 2018, and recently celebrating its official opening, is the Kanaan. It offers Israeli-Palestinian cuisine.
And there are other new openings, such as the Daluma, which take into account the trend towards a healthier, plant-based diet. Which in turn means that even vegans will find more and more on the gourmet floor of the KaDeWe.

The KaDeWe and especially the Feinschmeckeretage (gourmet floor) is definitely worth a visit. There is so much to explore. The prices are mostly upscale, but you can also find cheap things (e.g. Buddha bowl). Note the opening times! If you want to eat dinner unhurriedly, I recommend to go on a Friday, when the KaDeWe is open until 9 pm. Since autumn 2019 a couple of restaurants are open till midnight. After KaDeWe has closed you can reach them via a separate entrance on the side of Wittenbergplatz.
On request meals are brought from restaurant to restaurant. So it doesn’t matter when you’re in a group and not everyone wants to order from the same bar. However, this does not apply to the rented restaurants such as Lutter & Wegener, Laggner Schwemme and Beef Grill Club by Hasir.
The KaDeWe is being converted and modernized step by step, which also means a lot of change. New things are added and old things disappear. So please be lenient with me if not everything is 100% correct. Of course I try to keep this article up to date.
If you notice something that is missing or no longer exists, write it to me in the comments! And of course also comment on what your favorite restaurant at KaDeWe is!
Address: Tauentzienstraße 21–24, 10789 Berlin
Opening hours: Mon – Thu 10 am to 8 pm, Fri 10 am to 9 pm, Sat 9.30 am to 8 pm
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